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Xu, Hongjun
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Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.189 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Aug-2018Error performance of uncoded space time labelling diversity in spatially correlated Nakagami-q channelsPatel, Sulaiman Saleem ; Quazi, Tahmid ; Xu, Hongjun 
225-Sep-2020High-rate uncoded space-time labelling diversity with low-complexity detectionPatel, Sulaiman Saleem ; Quazi, Tahmid ; Xu, Hongjun 
325-Sep-2020Performance analysis of M-APSK generalised spatial modulation with constellation reassignmentKhalid, Ahmad ; Quazi, Tahmid ; Xu, Hongjun ; Patel, Sulaiman Saleem