Adjin-Tettey, Theodora Dame
Full Name
Adjin-Tettey, Theodora Dame

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.022 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
1 | 1-Dec-2021 | Covid-19 compelling governments to listen? : evaluating traces of listening to public opinion in Ghana's Covid-19 presidential lockdown speeches | Adjin-Tettey, Theodora Dame |
2 | 2024 | Media literacy’s role in democratic engagement and societal transformation among university students | Muringa, Tigere ; Adjin-Tettey, Theodora Dame |
3 | 2024 | Navigating COVID-19 : non-government actors’ communication interventions in South Africa | Adjin-Tettey, Theodora Dame ; Garman, Anthea |
4 | 1-Jan-2021 | Solutions journalism as a tool to erode polarisation in the media and society | Adjin-Tettey, Theodora Dame ; Garman, Anthea |