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Title: Transforming learning : reimagining writing centre tutor training in a university context
Authors: Govender, Nereshnee
Ndadziyira, Tafadzwa
Keywords: Higher education;Training programmes;Writing centres;Academic literacies (ALs);Reflections
Issue Date: 21-Nov-2023
Publisher: Durban University of Technology
Source: Govender, N. and Ndadziyira, T. 2023. Transforming learning: reimagining writing centre tutor training in a university context. African Journal of Inter/Multidisciplinary Studies. 5(1): 1-10. doi:10.51415/ajims.v5i1.1319
Journal: African Journal of Inter/Multidisciplinary Studies; Vol. 5, Issue 1
Tutors in the higher education environment play an important role in facilitating student learning. However, they are often inadequately supported in the contexts in which they work. Tutors often require support through structured training and development programmes that embeds theory and practice to equip them with the powerful knowledge needed in their work with students. A re-examination of the support, training and development of tutors is therefore needed. This paper explored a Writing Centre tutor training progamme within a University of Technology (UoT) context. An academics literacies approach to tutor training has been implemented as it enables the creation of opportunities for students and tutors to question the ways in which they are working with knowledge and demonstrating that knowledge through their writing. Through tutors’ narrative, written reflections and within a qualitative inquiry, this paper explored theory based tutor training and how it contributes to a more responsive Writing Centre practice by developing tutors’ undertsanding of their role in transforming thinking, teaching and learning. It argues for the implementation of on-going, structured and theoretically embedded training that foregrounds Writing Centre pedagogy and creates a foundation for tutors’ cognitive development in their work with students.
ISSN: 2663-4597
2663-4589 (Online)
DOI: 10.51415/ajims.v5i1.1319
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Academic Support)

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