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Title: Tribalism : a thorny concern in Nigerian politics : a discursive review and appraisal
Authors: Agbede, Grace Temiloluwa 
Oparinde, Kunle Musbaudeen 
Keywords: Tribalism;Nigeria;Online media;Political discourse;Ethnicity
Issue Date: 15-Mar-2024
Publisher: Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar, Pakistan
Source: Agbede, G.T. and Oparinde, K.M. 2024. Tribalism: a thorny concern in Nigerian politics : a discursive review and appraisal. FWU Journal of Social Sciences. 18(1): 46-55. doi:10.51709/19951272/spring2024/4
Journal: FWU Journal of Social Sciences; Vol. 18, Issue 1 
This paper conducts a review and appraisal of discourse surrounding tribalism,
which is deeply entrenched in Nigerian politics at different levels of government as
the polity of the country has often experienced significant tension along tribal/ethnic
lines. Using digital media data, with specific focus on discourses produced during
the 2023 general elections in the country, this study reviews and analyses the
discourse of tribalism in Nigerian political communication. In an election heavily
contested by the All Progressives Congress (APC), the People’s Democratic Party
(PDP), and the Labour Party (LP), with candidates representing three major ethnic
groups in Nigeria involving Yoruba, Hausa, and Igbo respectively, the entrenched
nature of the tribalism mindset in the country was fully exposed. Although tribalism
in Nigerian politics has been in existence for a long time, it was only recently
witnessed on a large scale on social media given that it is the first time that three
popular presidential candidates have emerged from the country’s three most popular
ethnic groups. Through a multimodal discourse analysis, the study reveals instances
of tribalist discourse in the country vis-à-vis the social context and implications for
the democracy, national cohesion, and the development of the country.
ISSN: 1995-1272
DOI: 10.51709/19951272/spring2024/4
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Academic Support)

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