Browsing by Subject Administration

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
23-Oct-2023Administrative practices for improved environmental compliance of manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises in South AfricaMaphumulo, Jabhisile; Dongwe, Khethiwe ; Nyide, Celani 
Nov-2015Effective administration of university leadership in a selected institution in DurbanNgwane, Knowledge Siyabonga Vusamandla ; Ngwane, C. N. 
20-Oct-2021Impact of leadership on organizational performance at pharmaceutical companiesCavaliere, Luigi Pio Leonardo ; Lourens, Melanie Elizabeth ; Chowdhury, Arup Roy ; Balasudarsun, N.L. ; Soundararajan, Leo Rathinaraj Antony ; Thankappan, Sreeja Mannickal ; Rajest, Suman S. ; Regin, R. 
May-2024Improving the administration of disability grants in South Africa’s social security agencyLuthuli, Mthokozisi Sydney 
31-Mar-2021The perception of students towards administration of health services at the Durban University of Technology’s Durban campus clinicMnculwane, Mthokozisi Richard