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Title: The impact of communication on customer relationship marketing among cellular service providers
Authors: Poovalingam, Kasthuri 
Veerasamy, Dayaneethie 
Issue Date: 2007
Journal: Alternation (Durban) 
This article examines how communication is currently being employed in
the cellular industry to improve service to customers in an attempt t o
establish a long-term relationship with them. It does so by analyzing the
communication process and the communication mix that cellular service
providers utilize to engage with their customers.
The primary goal of a business is sustained superior performance
to ensure consistent growth. The cellular industry is no different. One
method that can ensure this superior performance and differentiate a
business from its competitors will always be the quality of its relationship
with customers. Whilst research has been conducted on a general aspect
of relationship marketing, there appears to be no significant study on
how communication efforts can promote relationship marketing in the
cellular industry. Hence this study investigates the extent to which
communication impacts on relationship marketing and whether
improved communication can result in sustainable long-term
This was a quantitative cross sectional study where the survey
method was employed using a simple random sample. The target
population consisted of existing cellular phone users, both contract and
prepaid. Structured Interviews were used to assist the researcher in
The Impact of Communication on Customer Relationship Marketing obtaining information from an intended sample of 300 cellular phone
users. At the end of six weeks, 251 responses were received reflecting an
overall response rate of 83.7%.
The findings indicate that the majority of cellular phone users
were satisfied with the communication efforts of their service provider
and that the communication tools used by the service providers were
effective in promoting relationship marketing. Moreover, existing
customers indicated that they would become advocates of their service
provider, as they did not regret their choice of service provider
particularly because service providers tailor make packages for their
In addition, customers indicated that they would like to be
informed of long and medium term plans, new developments and any
fundamental changes that are going to take place. If service providers are
to maintain sustainable relationships, they need to conduct regular
satisfaction surveys to get feedback from customers and monitor their
attitudes towards them.
Originally published in: Alternation, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2007.
ISSN: 1023-1757
DOI: 10.10520/AJA10231757_370
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Management Sciences)

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