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Title: Exploring TOPSIS based algorithm for non-homogeneous alternatives in group decision making
Authors: Olugbara, Oludayo O. 
Thiruthlall, Nepal 
Keywords: TOPSIS;Group decision;Non-homogeneity
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: International Association of Engineers
Source: Oludayo, O. and Thiruthlall, N. 'Exploring TOPSIS Based Algorithm for Non- Homogeneous Alternatives in Group Decision Making.' Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science. II (2012).
The purpose of this work is to explore an
algorithm based on Technique for Order Preference by
Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) for non-homogeneous
alternatives in group decision making. In this particular case of
evaluating a set of decision alternatives, an individual expert
expresses hedonic judgments for a subset of decision
alternatives depending on his/her knowledge about the
alternatives. The structure of the decision making problem
generates a local matrix of judgmental responses for each
decision alternative. Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) determines
the ratio of relevant information to irrelevant information in
the local response matrices. The SNR vectors of all decision
alternatives are aggregated into a global decision matrix and
passed as argument to the TOPSIS algorithm to rank the
alternatives. The attractiveness of this algorithm is that we do
not have to modify the existing TOPSIS. The algorithm was
used to rank 10 different sports that were evaluated by 34
respondents in a survey and the result is practically appealing.
This type of non-homogeneous group decision making is
particularly useful in selecting an optimal decision alternative
among a large set of alternatives where opinions of a large
group of stakeholders count. This is for instance in opinion
polls, comparison of market products/services and Delphi
process where an expert does not necessarily have to possess
full knowledge about all decision alternatives or be jack of all
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Accounting and Informatics)

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