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Title: The effectiveness of computer-aided teaching on the quality of learning geometric concepts by grade 7 learners at a selected primary school in KwaZulu-Natal
Authors: Yegambaram, Puvernentheran 
Issue Date: 5-Jun-2013
The emphasis of geometry is of such significance that the current National
Curriculum Statement has included the learning of two-and three-dimensional
shape from grade R. However it is observed that teachers rely on textbooks
for their knowledge of a dynamic topic such as nets of solids. Learners do not
have an opportunity to explore the different orientations of solid shapes. Not
many teachers use technology to assist their pedagogy. Quality processes in
mathematics education emphasise the use of technology in teaching and
A study was performed using “Poly”, which is free open-source software for
mathematics teaching and learning. This software was chosen because it
was an easy to use application. It was able to show the different orientations
of the solid shapes. Three-dimensional geometry can be explored using this
The research is based on a social constructivist view of learning and the
methodology used is a case study. The Piagetian and van Hiele stages of
development will be the basis of the researcher’s investigation. Piaget’s
theory is based on age development whilst van Hiele alludes to the different
stages of geometrical development. A control group was compared to the
experimental group consisting of 20 learners each. The research was
conducted in KwaZulu-Natal and involved a teacher with a class of 40
learners. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected and were analysed.
The data consisted of classroom observations and learner questionnaires
and interviews.
The findings of this study affirm that the use of technology in the teaching of
geometry can enhance conceptual understanding. Classroom management
breaks from routine while using Poly. Poly has the potential to improve
learners' educational experiences; it can enable the effective application of
constructive, cognitive and collaborative models of learning. Poly is not just a
mathematical tool but also a tool for thinking and helping to enhance
learners’ learning. It can serve as a vehicle for helping learners to foster
fundamental geometrical concepts. The assessment of the use of computers
in mathematics by the learners of the experimental classes indicates that
application of computers enables increasing the interest of the learners in
mathematics and introduces more variety to the studies, making them more
enjoyable and interesting.
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of
Master of Technology: Management, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2012.
Appears in Collections:Theses and dissertations (Management Sciences)

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