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Title: The impact of viral marketing on corporate brand reputation
Authors: Lekhanya, Lawrence Mpele 
Keywords: Viral marketing;Brand reputation;Corporate brand
Issue Date: Mar-2014
Publisher: International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER)
Source: Lekhanya, L.M. 2014. The impact of viral marketing on corporate brand reputation. International Business & Economics Research Journal. Vol.13, no. 2, pp. 213-230
Journal: The international business & economic research journal (Online) 
This paper reports on the impact of viral marketing on corporate brand reputation. The study aimed to analyse and evaluate the use of viral marketing and the impact it has on the reputation of corporate branding of South African companies. The study was conducted in four South African provinces. The sample consisted of 75 companies, selected using a stratified sampling method, with respondents completing a five-point Likert scale questionnaire with the assistance of an interviewer. The results revealed that the majority of respondents were either neutral or disagreed that people make positive comments about their companies via viral marketing.

The paper will benefit company managers, marketing managers, company owners, and all affiliated stakeholders in emphasizing a new way to consider future viral marketing strategies, understanding its impact on corporate brand reputation, and how to manage negative comments pertaining to corporate brand reputation. Most work on viral marketing has concentrated on viral marketing campaigns, with little emphasis on the impact of viral marketing on corporate brand reputation. The findings are limited by the study’s exploratory, quantitative nature and small sample. Generalizing should be done with care and further research with larger samples and consideration of other provinces is therefore recommended.
ISSN: 1535-0754
DOI: 10.19030/iber.v13i2.8437
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Management Sciences)

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