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Title: Perceptions of research structures and service quality within various faculties at Durban University of Technology: staff and students perspective
Authors: Ngibe, Musawenkosi 
Lekhanya, Lawrence Mpele 
Keywords: Perceptions;Services;Structures;Quality;Various;Research;Staff;Perspective;Faculties;University;Technology
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Business Perspectives
Source: Ngibe, M and Lekhanya, L. M. 2016. Perceptions of research structures and service quality within various faculties at Durban University of Technology: staff and students perspective. Problems and perspectives in management. 14 (1) : 63-71.
In order to compete, retain and attract postgraduate students, and overcome the lack of postgraduate throughput, universities of technology need to be more customer orientated. Therefore, to gain competitive advantage, university management needs to identify and assess the service quality gaps in research support structures and analyze the impact they have on students and staff within the universi...
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Accounting and Informatics)

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