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Title: High-rate uncoded space-time labelling diversity with low-complexity detection
Authors: Patel, Sulaiman Saleem 
Quazi, Tahmid 
Xu, Hongjun 
Keywords: 0805 Distributed Computing;0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering;1005 Communications Technologies;Networking & Telecommunications;Complexity analysis;Detection algorithms;Diversity techniques;Labelling diversity;QR decomposition;Wireless communication systems
Issue Date: 25-Sep-2020
Publisher: Wiley
Source: Patel, S.S., Quazi, T. and Xu, H. 2020. High-rate uncoded space-time labelling diversity with low-complexity detection. International Journal of Communication Systems. 33(14): e4520-e4520. doi:10.1002/dac.4520
Journal: International Journal of Communication Systems; Vol. 33, Issue 14 
Uncoded space-time labelling diversity (USTLD) is a recent scheme that
improved the error performance compared to conventional multiple-input,
multiple-output systems. Thus far, USTLD has suffered from limited achievable data rates, as the original model uses only two transmit antennas. This
motivates for the work in this paper, where the USTLD model is extended to
allow for any desired number of transmit antennas. An analytical bound for
the average bit error probability of this high-rate USTLD (HR-USTLD) system
is derived. This expression is verified using the results of Monte Carlo
simulations, which show a tight fit in the high signal-to-noise ratio region. The
increased data rates associated with larger transmit antenna arrays in HRUSTLD systems come at the cost of increased detection complexity. Therefore,
this paper studies the application of low-complexity detection algorithms based
on the popular QR decomposition technique and proposes a new algorithm
specifically designed for HR-USTLD systems. Analysis of this algorithm in
terms of accuracy and computational complexity is also provided and
benchmarked against maximum-likelihood detection (MLD). It is shown that
the proposed algorithm achieves near-MLD accuracy, while reducing
complexity by 79.75% and 92.53% for the respective 4 × 4 16QAM and 4 × 5
16PSK HR-USTLD systems investigated.
ISSN: 1074-5351
DOI: 10.1002/dac.4520
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Engineering and Built Environment)

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