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Title: Error performance of uncoded space time labelling diversity in spatially correlated Nakagami-q channels
Authors: Patel, Sulaiman Saleem 
Quazi, Tahmid 
Xu, Hongjun 
Keywords: 0805 Distributed Computing;0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering;1005 Communications Technologies;Networking & Telecommunications;Correlated channels;Hoyt;Labelling diversity;MIMO;Nakagami‐q
Issue Date: Aug-2018
Publisher: Wiley
Source: Patel, S.S., Quazi, T. and Xu, H. 2018. Error performance of uncoded space time labelling diversity in spatially correlated Nakagami-q channels. International Journal of Communication Systems. 31(12): e3720-e3720. doi:10.1002/dac.3720
Journal: International Journal of Communication Systems; Vol. 31, Issue 12 
Greater spectral efficiency has recently been achieved for Uncoded Space Time
Labelling Diversity (USTLD) systems by increasing the number of antennas in
the transmit antenna array. However, due to constrained physical space in hardware, the use of more antennas can lead to degradation in error performance
due to correlation. Thus, this paper studies the effects of spatial correlation on
the error performance of USTLD systems. The union bound approach, along
with the Kronecker correlation model, is used to derive an analytical expression
for the average bit error probability (ABEP) in the presence of Nakagami‐q
fading. This expression is validated by the results of Monte Carlo simulations,
which shows a tight fit in the high signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) region. The
degradation in error performance due to transmit and receive antenna
correlation is investigated independently. Results indicate that transmit antenna
correlation in the USTLD systems investigated (3 × 3 8PSK, 2 × 4 16PSK, 2 × 4
16QAM, and 2 × 4 64QAM) causes a greater degradation in error performance
than receive antenna correlation. It is also shown that 2 × 4 USTLD systems
are more susceptible to correlation than comparable space‐time block coded
systems for 8PSK, 16PSK, 16QAM, and 64QAM.
ISSN: 1074-5351
DOI: 10.1002/dac.3720
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Engineering and Built Environment)

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