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Title: Corporate social responsibility in the mining sector in Zimbabwe.
Authors: Musariwa, Priscilla
Rampersad, Renitha 
Govender, Nereshnee 
Keywords: Corporate social responsibility;Mining;Zimbabwe
Issue Date: 31-Jan-2023
Publisher: La Nuova Italia Editrice
Source: Musariwa, P. and Rampersad, R. and Govender, N. 2023. Corporate social responsibility in the mining sector in Zimbabwe. Il Ponte. 79(1): 43-66.
Journal: Il Ponte; Vol. 79, Issue 1 
Zimbabwe like any other developing country, invests funds in supporting the upliftment of
communities and in social programmes that enhances community development. The increasing
rate of unemployment and low skills level poses a threat to sustainable development. To support a
strategic shift towards impactful results, organisations with the help of the government need
constructive and efficient Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy, which is simple and user
friendly. This can assist project managers and company managers to improve effectiveness and
efficiency of CSR programmes. Using a qualitative approach, this study examined the nature of
CSR in the mining sector in Zimbabwe to understand the challenges that are faced by mining
companies. This paper can be used to design a CSR policy that lead to the planning and
implementation of programmes in the mining sector that yield impactful results. Using purposive
sampling, four CSR managers were selected from two Zimbabwean mining companies (Zimplats
and Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamond mining Company). Data was collected through semi structured interviews and analysed using thematic analysis. Findings indicate that mining
companies in Zimbabwe are involved in CSR initiatives, but they are faced with a number of
challenges including lack of participation from the communities and limited financial resources.
ISSN: 0032-423X
DOI: 10.21524/j.ponte.2023.11.01
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Academic Support)

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