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Title: Digital pedagogies for librarians in higher education : a systematic review of the literature
Authors: Omarsaib, Mousin 
Rajkoomar, Mogiveny 
Naicker, Nalindren 
Olugbara, Cecilia Temilola 
Keywords: Academic librarians;Pedagogies;Digital pedagogies;Digital skills;Digital literacy skills;Professional development
Issue Date: Jan-2022
Publisher: Emerald
Source: Saib, M.O., Rajkoomar, M., Naicker, N. and Olugbara, C.T. 2023. Digital pedagogies for librarians in higher education: a systematic review of the literature. Information Discovery and Delivery. 51(1): 13-25. doi:10.1108/IDD-06-2021-0066
Journal: Information Discovery and Delivery; Vol. 51, Issue 1 
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify and present a global perspective of digital pedagogies in relation to technology and academic librarians.
Design/methodology/approach – The preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) methodology was used in this
Findings – Based on the data, academic librarians must develop a foundational understanding of 21st century pedagogies and digital skills to teach
in an online environment.
Originality/value – This review paper considers the emergent teaching role of the academic librarian within the digital environment. The themes in
the findings highlight the importance of digital pedagogical knowledge and digital fluency of academic librarians as a teacher within the digital
environment in higher education.
ISSN: 2398-6247 (Online)
DOI: 10.1108/IDD-06-2021-0066
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Accounting and Informatics)

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