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Title: The impact of debt-financing costs on the growth and development of Small-Medium Enterprises in South Africa : empirical evidence from Durban
Authors: Majola, Khethiwe Prudence 
Keywords: Debt financing;Growth and development;Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
Issue Date: 2024
Since small-medium enterprises are considered the backbone of every country’s economy, it is important that they have a source of finance for their growth and development. As a result, the objectives of this study were to examine the factors that impact access to debt financing; determine the effect of market imperfections on the decision of small-medium enterprises (SMEs) to apply for debt financ...
A Research Thesis submitted in Fulfilment of the Degree of Master of Accounting: Financial Accounting, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2024.
Appears in Collections:Theses and dissertations (Accounting and Informatics)

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