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Title: Revitalising rural and township youth ministry in South Africa through digital innovation
Authors: Ntsanwisi, Samuel 
Keywords: Rural and township youth ministry;Digital innovation;Digital engagement;Public theology;Youth ministry landscape
Issue Date: 2024
Source: Ntsanwisi, S. 2024. Revitalising rural and township youth ministry in South Africa through digital innovation. Paedagogia Christiana. 53(1): 173-197. doi:
Journal: Paedagogia Christiana; Vol. 53, Issue 1 
This article explores the potential of digital innovation in revitalising rural
and township youth ministry in South Africa, acknowledging the challenges churches
face in engaging their youth in the evolving digital landscape. The study advocates
for integrating digital platforms to complement physical interactions, emphasising the
need for strategies resonating with digitally connected youth. Public theology is intro
duced as a paradigm encouraging the intertwining of faith with societal needs. While
recognising the promise of digital engagement, the article addresses unique challenges
in rural areas, proposing solutions such as community access points and partnerships
for inclusivity. The collaborative model envisions a hybrid approach, blending physi
cal and virtual interactions through a game-like platform. The methodology involves
a comprehensive literature review and cross-sectional analysis of successful digital en
gagement initiatives, informing a dynamic model. In conclusion, the article argues
that embracing digital innovation and public theology can bridge traditional and tech--savvy preferences, fostering a vibrant youth community with spiritual growth and
meaningful societal impact.
ISSN: 1505-6872
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Arts and Design)

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