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Title: Theorising the politics of curriculum responsiveness in a Cameroonian university
Authors: Kehdinga, George Fomunyam 
Nnenna Fidelia Ezeonwuachusi 
Editors: Kehdinga, George Fomunyam 
Keywords: Curriculum;Cameroonian university;Responsiveness;Lecturers;Literature
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: University of Johannesburg Press
Source: Kehdinga, G.F. and Nnenna Fidelia Ezeonwuachusi, 2024. Theorising politics of curriculum responsiveness in a Cameroonian university. In: Theorising curriculum in unsettling times in African higher education. Auckland Park, South Africa: UJ Press, 149-172. doi:10.36615/9781776460618
Content is the epicentre of the educational experience without
which no meaningful learning can take place. Curriculum
is what gives direction to teaching and learning in higher
education and helps in the shaping of academic life for all
students, the direction their future would take as well as
the society they live in. As such, it is critical to explore the
curriculum of ...
ISBN: 978-1-7764606-0-1 (paperback)
DOI: 10.36615/9781776460618
978-1-7764606-1-8 (PDF)
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Arts and Design)

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