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Title: Microwave synthesis and molecular re-arrangement of a grisadienone and its derivatives
Authors: Ngcobo, Thandekile Sithembile 
Keywords: Grisadienone;Grisan
Issue Date: 2011
ortho-Deoxygrisan (38), a spirodienone was synthesised from bisphenol (42) using both
conventional and microwave assisted methods. The bisphenol (42) was synthesised from
phenol (52) by conventional and microwave assisted methods. Benzophenone (43) was
synthesised from compound (49) which in turn was synthesised from compound (53) by
chromic acid oxidation in acetic anhydride or acetic acid. Compound (53) was synthesised
from bisphenol (42) by mono-acetylation method.Acid-catalysed rearrangement of ortho-deoxygrisan (38) in the absence of light was investigated. Chromatography of the reaction mixture afforded compound (D) as a major component. Attempts to synthesise ortho-grisan (50) from benzophenone (43) were unsuccessful. Microwave assisted selenium dioxide oxidation of compound (53) gave a yellow compound
C. The spectra of this compound were very similar to the spectra of ortho-deoxygrisan (38).
However, selenium dioxide was reacted with compound (53) in the absence of microwave to
give a yellow solid B. The 1H NMR spectral data of this compound led to the proposed
structure B for it.
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of
Technology: Chemistry, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2011.
Appears in Collections:Theses and dissertations (Applied Sciences)

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