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Title: Institutionalising a value enacted dominant organisational culture: An impetus for whistleblowing
Authors: Dorasamy, Nirmala 
Pillay, Soma 
Keywords: Whistle blowing;Retaliation;Values;Organizational culture
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Virtus Interpress
Source: Dorasaym, N and Pillay, S. 2011. Institutionalising a value enacted dominant organisational culture: An impetus for whistleblowing. Corporate Ownership and Control. 8(3). 297-304.
Journal: Corporate ownership & control (Online) 
Whistle blowing on organizational wrongdoing is becoming increasingly prevalent. However, the renewal of existing literature reveals that every potential whistle blower is not always inclined to blow the whistle, despite protection being accorded to whistleblowers through legislation. The cost of blowing the whistle can be a deterrent to potential whistle blowers. zit is quite plausible that an organisational culture which institutionalizes a dominant value based system can decrease whistle blowers expectations of retaliation. The purpose of this article is to provide conceptual framework for a dominant value enacted organisational culture which can serve as an impetus for whistle blowing in the public sector. It is important that organizations make their value systems "lived" practices to motivate potential whistleblowers to report on wrongdoing. It can be argued that the institutionalisation of enacted values can lead to low perceptions of retaliation, which is often a deterrent in blowing the whistle.
ISSN: 1810-0368
Appears in Collections:Research Publications (Management Sciences)

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